Friday, August 23, 2013

Diversity and Equality

Diversity and Equality
Recognizes that though people have things in common with each other they are also different many ways. Everyone should have a right to equal access to employment and when employed should have equal pay and equal access to training and development.

Legal implications
Companies are legally required to follow a set of practices to ensure discrimination is eradicated and expectations of equality are met in the workplace.

Discrimination Acts:
  •  Equality Act
  •  Race Relations Act
  • Sex Discrimination Act
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Human Rights Act

Things to avoid

Age discrimination
 Happens when someone is unfairly disadvantaged for reasons, which cannot be objectively justified, relating to their age is called Ageism.

Age- Related Bias
Adultism is a predisposition towards adults
Jeunism is the discrimination against older people in favor of younger ones.
Adultocracy is the social convention which defines "maturity" and "immaturity," placing in a dominant position over young people, both theoretically and practically.

In employment terms refers to physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Harassment and bullying
 Can range from the extreme of physical violence to less obvious forms such as ignoring someone. They can be delivered in a variety of ways with or without witnesses, over a period of time or as a one-off act.

Is the tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive or unreasonable behavior against a co-worker or subordinate.  Workplace bullying can include such tactics as verbalnonverbalpsychologicalphysical abuse and humiliation

Covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive

Equal pay
Is an aspect of sex discrimination law, has been in force for over 40 years, giving to men and women the right to be paid at the same rate for the same, or equivalent, work.

Is a significant and hidden group within the workforce, have been marginalized from mainstream employment and fair and responsible policies and practices are needed when employing them.

Race Discrimination
In the Equality Act 2010, race includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins and is one of a set of protected characteristics to which a number of different types of discrimination apply.

Religious Discrimination
The Equality Act 2010 defines religion simply as any religion – including not having a religion. ‘Religion or belief’ is one of a set of protected characteristics to which a number of different types of discrimination apply.

Sex and Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Sex, sexual orientation and gender reassignment, to which a number of different types of discrimination apply, are protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.

                                                 Summary Video

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